How Linux Works(Chapter Two)--Directory Hierarchy Essentials

Posted by Sherlock Blaze on 2019-03-04

All the summaries are from the book named How Linux Works.

Let’s check the directory hierarchy of linux first.

Linux directory hierarchy

This picture offers a simplified overview of the hierarchy, showing some of the directories under /, /usr, and /var. Notice that the directory structure under /usr contains some of the same directory names as /.

Here are the most important subdirectories in root:

  • /bin Contains ready-to-run programs(also known as an executables), including most of the basic Unix commnads such as ls and cp. Most of the programs in /bin are in binary format, having been created been by a C compiler, but some are shell scripts in modern systems.
  • /dev Contains device files.
  • /etc This core system configuration directory contains the user password, boot, device, networking, and other setup files. Many items in /etc are specific to the machine’s hardware. For example, the /etc/X11 directory contains graphics card and window system configurations.
  • /home Holds personal directories for regular users. Most Unix installations conform to this standard.
  • /lib An abbreviation for library, this directory holds library files containing code that executables can use. There are two types of libraries: static and shared. The /lib directory should contain only shared libraries, but other lib directories, such as /usr/lib, contain both varieties as well as other auxiliary files.
  • /proc Provides system statistics through a browsable directory-and-file interface. Much of the /proc subdirectory structure on Linux is unique, but many other Unix variants have similar features. The /proc directory contains information about currently running processes as well as some kernel parameters.
  • /sys This directory is similar to /proc in that it provides a device and system interface.
  • /sbin The place for system executables. Programs in /sbin directories relate to system management, so regular users usually do not have /sbin components in their command paths. Many of the utilities found here will not work if you’re not running them as root.
  • /tmp A storage area for smaller, temporary files that you don’t care much about. Any user may read to and write from /tmp, but the user may not have permission to access another user’s files there. Many programs use this directory as a workspace. If something is extremely important, don’t put it in /tmp because most distributions clear /tmp when then machine boots and some even remove its old files periodically. Also don’t let /tmp fill up with garbage because its space is usually shared with something critical.
  • /usr Although pronounced “user”, this subdirectory has no user files. Instead, it contains a large directory hierarchy, including the bulk of the Linux system. Many of the directory names in /usr are the same as those in the root directory(like /usr/bin and /usr/lib), and they hold the same type of files.
  • /var The variable subdirectory, where programs record runtime information. System logging, user tracking, caches, and other files that system programs create and manage are here.

Other Root Subdirectories

There are a few other interesting subdirectories in the root directory:

  • /boot Contains kernel boot loader files. These files pertain only to the very first stage of Linux startup procedure;
  • /media A base attachment point for removable media such as flash drives that is found in many distributions.
  • /opt This may contain additional third-party software. Many systems don’t use /opt

The /usr Directory

The /usr directory may look relatively clean at first glance, but a quick look at /usr/bin and /usr/lib reveals that there’s a lot here; /usr is where most of the user-space programs and data reside. In addition to /usr/bin, /usr/sbin, and /usr/lib, /usr contains the following:

  • /include Holds header files used by C compiler.
  • /info Contains GNU info manuals.
  • /local Is where administrators can install their own software. Its structure should look like that of / and /usr.
  • /man Contains manual pages.
  • /share Contains files that should work on other kinds of Unix machines with no loss of functionality. In the past, networks of machines would share this directory, but a true /share directory is becoming rare because there are no space issues on modern disk. Maintaining a /share directory is often just a pain. In any case, /man , /info, and some other subdirectories are often found here.

Kernel Location

On Linux system, the kernel is normally in /vmlinuz or /boot/vmlinuz. A boot loader loads this file into memory and sets it in motion when the system boots.

Once the boot loader runs and sets the kernel in motion, the main kernel file is no longer used by the running system. However, you’ll find many modules that the kernel can load and unload on demand during the course of normal system operation. Called loadable kernel modules, they are located under /lib/modules.

Filesystem Hierarchy Standard