Sherlock Blaze

I bloom in the slaughter, like the flowers of the dawn


What这次主要跟大家分享一下 baetyl 架构和核心功能实现,随着时代的发展,边缘计算受到的关注也越来越多,最近通信行业的快速发展,也推动了边缘计算的发育。baetyl 作为百度第一款开源边缘计算框架,有很多值得分享的地方。个人功力还比较浅,覆盖面可能不够全面,欢迎大家提问或纠正。 Why为什么要做边缘计算? 先从网络的角度考虑,随着时代的发展,我们需要移动网络有能力发现离用户比较近的边......

Docker 网络

本文为学习笔记,内容来自于 《每天五分钟玩转 Docker 容器技术》 目标 Docker 提供的几种原生网络 创建自定义网络 容器之间如何通信 容器与外界如何交互 原生网络 Docker 在安装时会自动在 host 上创建三个网络,使用命令 docker network ls 查看。得到如下输出: 12345NETWORK ID NAME ......

How Linux Works(Chapter Five)--How the Linux Kernel Boots

All the summaries are from the book named How Linux Works. Learn about how the kernel moves into memory up to the point where the first user process starts. A simplified view of the boot process ......

How Linux Works(Chapter Three)--Devices

All the summaries are from the book named How Linux Works. Throughout the history of Linux, there have been many changes to how the kernel presents devices to the user. We’ll begin by looking at......

How Linux Works(Chapter Two)--Directory Hierarchy Essentials

All the summaries are from the book named How Linux Works. Let’s check the directory hierarchy of linux first. This picture offers a simplified overview of the hierarchy, showing some of the dir......

How Linux Works(Chapter Two)--Basic Commands(Part Two)

All the summaries are from the book named How Linux Works. Shell Input and OutputTo send the output of command to a file instead of the terminal, use the > redirection character: 1command >......

How Linux Works(Chapter Two)--Basic Commands(Part One)

All the summaries are from the book named How Linux Works. The Bourne ShellThe shell is one of the most important parts of a Unix system. A shell is a program that runs commands, like the ones th......

How Linux Works(Chapter One)--The Big Picture of Linux

All the summaries are from the book named How Linux Works. About Understanding SomethingThe most effective way to understand how an operating system works is through abstraction —- a fancy way of......

Reverse Print List

QuestionThere is a single linkedlist that prints out the values of each node from end to head. ThoughtI don’t think it’s a difficult problem, we just need use a stack, store the values and print th......

Search In Two Dimensional Array

QuestionIn a two-dimensional array, each row is arranged in increasing order from left to right, and each column is arranged in increasing order from top to bottom. Please write a function, enter a......